Friday, July 9, 2010

[Sunday June 28 1863]

From Moore's line at
2 a.m. -- there we expect to
spring a mine on Mr Yank
at any moment -- so soon as
his sap is close enough, and
it seems to me now to be
just over us -- probably he
will be elevated this morning, 28th

This work is very curious
and interesting, and affords
experience of incalculable
value to those of us who
would follow a military
live -- our works -- saps, mines
etc -- with those of the enemy
have made very labyrinths
of these hills, and when
quiet and peace reigns over
them again, and the spades
and picks of contending
armies wound them no more,
the curious may make sub-
terranean excursions of any
length, through their bowels -
made historic and renowned
by the contest, that has so
hotly been waged above,
and through them.

3 a.m. two dispatches re-
ceived from Genl Johnston,
& I consequently immersed
in heiroglyphics until sun-
rise, when pretty tired, I
repaired to my

[three lines cut out]

Genl's dispatches -- as it is all
contraband -- but I will say
thus far, that I hope the
prospect is brighteneing for
our relief, and the ultimate
safety of Vicksburg; and let
me here retract anything
I may have said concerning
the tardiness of Genl Joe --
and by his pardon therefore --
his forces do not approach
the number I had imag-
ined to be at his command

[two? line cut out]

Genl Green, Missouri Division,
is added to the list of the
killed during the siege of Vicks-
burg -- he was directing the fire
of a piece of artillery when
the shot of a sharpshooter
struck him in the head and
killed him instantly -- de-
priving the service of a brave
and good man -- and in-
creasing the already numerous
list of officers, who have
fallen in defence of our Gib-

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