Friday, June 18, 2010

Saturday [June] 20 [1863]

Most terrific bombardment we
have yet sustained commenced
at daylight, from nearly their
whole line, and continued
without cessation for three
hours and a half -- Mortars
and a columbiad kept up
also an uninterrupted fire
from the peninsula -- The effect
on us not very severe though
many of the shells from the
lines came into the city.
This furor was very probably
intended as a prelude to
an assault, which we were
expecting on our lines for
some hours; but they did
not attempt it and the
natural conclusion is that they
were unable to get their men
up, after the heavy losses they
sustained in the charges of the 22nd

At night two couriers arrive,
in about three hours of each
other, from Genl Johnston --
they bring cipher dispatches,
which being very important
are sub rosa

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