Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 7th [1863]

Charles came back today --
says he was taken from the
gate by a guard and has
been worked very hard with
sentinels over the gang -- he
looks very worn & haggard -
as does Orjin[?] also, who
never before in his life
had to labor as these his
friends and liberators -- our
enemies -- have made him,
since they came in power.
Great many of our servants
want to go out with us, &
the Federal authorities pro-
mised at first that we
should take such as
wished to go; but this they
have revoked, probably
being surprised & chagrined
at the large number who
desire so to do; but they
say, because the privilege is
being abused -- the neg-
groes are intimidated etc -- a
mere subterfuge. I regret
this very much on account
of the poor boys, who are
very anxious -- many of them
-- to accompany us; and
have found out enough
are -- utterly good for

McPherson U.S.A.
came around to see the
Genl tonight -- a pretty heavy con-
versation on the slave question.
Afterwards Genl Forney -
dropped in for a chat -

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 6th [1863]

Nathaniel -- my orly [orderly?] called
Nat for short -- the last of
our hopeful free American
lads of African descent took
a notion of leaving today
and accordingly bundled
up, and sparing us the pain
and attendant weeping which
a leave-taking would surely
have inflicted left, a la
Francais -- not however for-
getting to take his traps with
him. We are consedquently
dans domestiques, and in a
very helpless way -- Our
kind little hostess, Mrs
Richeson, has assumed the
honor and dignity of chief
Cook and tried to prepare
the meals for our small
family. I am her chief
asst and I tell you we
put things up in style --
we couldn't however suc-
ceed so well today with
the pea soup, which was
very obstinate and would
not get done; and ex-
hausted entirely our pa-
tience -- leading us to the
conclusion that we were
not born to be cooks; and
though 'twas a very scien-
tific and intellectual pur-
suit, requiring fine judgment
& discrimination, and
therefore calculated to
attract ambitious minds,
it was too far beyond our
reach for us ever to hop
to be proficient in
so high a calling.

The enemy is paroling
our men very slowly --
their excuse is that they
cannot prepare the blanks
more rapidly -- this de-
tention among them is
very galling and I can
now realize what it is
to be a prisoner and have
no doubt that six months
confinement in their
hands would turn my hair
gray or send me to "that
bourne" etc,

preumably meant "That bourne whence no traveller returns," a common 19th century reference to death.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 5th [1863]

Yankees & Confederates
fill the streets, but
seem to understand the
necessity for it and do
not molest one another.

Many of the negroes
have left their homes,
and the enemy sends
round a guard through
the streets to apprehend
those unwilling to go
with them -- these they
put in corrals & camps
and it seems to be
their intention to make
soldiers of them. All
our servants have left
save one, and we are
sloshing along as best
we may under the cir-
cumstances -- service in
the steamboats seems to
attract some of them &
two from us have I think
gone aboard a transport--

Few of us of the garrison
who wouldn't prefer to
have taken the chances
of cutting out & lose two
thirds of our forces rather
than to have suffered
the humility and indig-
nity we are now subject
to, a the hands of these
miserable miscreants,
whose pleasure we must
await as to our leaving
their despised & detested
presence. They are stealing
everything they can lay
their hands on -- will take
your horse from under you
if you permit it, and
from your stable or your
yard if you haven't a
watch over him; and yet
there's no redress for us -
fair promises of preventing
recurrences of insults &
thefts; and that our ser-
vants be allowed to go
with us if they desire -- &
yet nothing done toward
the former, and less than
nothing in compliance
with the latter; for our
boys are forcibly taken
in the streets against their
will and marched off --
Two of our servants at
the other house taken in
this way sent word to
their masters "For God's
sake to come and get
them out" -- This
is the freedom the abo-
litionist gives the negro--

Monday, July 19, 2010

4th July '63

Vcksburg falls. O God! what a blow
it is to our government!
How can we retrieve so
great a loss?

In the council of war,
on the acceptance or rejection
of terms of capitulation, Genl
Pemberton expressed himself
throughout as in favor of an
attempt to cut our way
out -- deeming it practicable
to carry through at
least ten thousand men, from the
reports of the Generals on
the physique & morale of
the troops; but he yielded his
opinion as to the feasibility
of this undertaking to the
judgment of the more im-
mediate commanders of the men,
whose idea, generally
seemed to be that their troops
would remain in good spirits
and continue in fine fighting
order while in the trenches,
but that on leaving these
and taking up a line of
march in their jaded & worn
condition they would
be little likely to accomplish
the severe task of storming
the enemy's works -- which
are stronger and more extensive
than our own -- and of
combatting and forcing a
passage through a force,
greatly outnumbering them
and perfectly fresh.

At 10 o'c we ride to
the trenches, at the Jackson
road, and witness the galling
sight of our brave
and gallant troops, who
have so nobly and heroicly
defended these works for
forty seven days, marching
out and stacking
their arms and colors to a
foe, who was not able to
overcome us
and bring us to this most unfortunate
pass by good hard fighting
but reduced us by encircling
our garrison with a horde and bringing
it to starvation.

The Yankees were thronging
their works, & their bands
playing the national airs, looking on of course with
much delight and gratification
at the -- to us -- humiliating
spectacle, of our brave
boys abandoning the arms
that they have so
gallantly and effectually

We leave the works
and go to the "Stone House"
to await Genl Grant; who
presently arrives with
a large attendance of officers,
and civilians -- curious
seekers of novelties, a class
that ever forms no in-
considerable portion of
every assembly of Northerners.

Our victors deport them-
selves with dignity and
politeness and acquaintances
on opposing sides are soon
mixing together and con-
versing pleasantly. Would that I
could say that they had continued
their good conduct and
consideration, but no: their
men were soon swarming
into town and committing
all manner of depred-
ations -- breaking into houses
& stores, and appropriating
every thing portable
of value -- insulting the citizens --
tampering with our negroes
and in every way making
themselves as offensive
as 'tis possible for con-
querors to be to their un-
armed prisoners. I
wonder much that there
has been no collision
between our men & those of
the enemy -- they are knocking
together through the town
and in the camps: and
for bitter antagonists to
do this for any time with-
out some difficulty oc-
curring seems to me im-
possible: and I am con-
sequently very impatient
at the slowness of the
enemy in paroling our
men, so that we may
leave the cursed and
oppressive confines of
their camps, and breath
once more freely and un-
restrained in the limits
still held by our own
government -- which limits,
by the way, I fear are
about being, by the results
of this summer campaign,
greatly contracted: but
let the southern people
show the true grit that
is in them,when they are
as it were, driven to
the wall, and rise
superior to every defeat
and difficulty, and stand
up to the colors as long
as their is a vestige of
hope -- remembering that
the darkest hour is that
before dawn.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 3rd [1863]

with a
proposition to Genl Grant
that he appoint three com-
missioners to meet with
three, appointed by us, to
decide on some propo-
sition, to be submitted to
the Comdy Generals,
for the capitulation of Vicks-
burg. Genl Grants written
reply was that as he had
no terms to offer, but an
unconditional surrender of
works & garrison, he saw
no need of appointing com-
missioners; but he at the
same time told Genl Bowen
that he would like to have
a personal interview with
Genl Pemberton. Genl P
though this unadvisable
but was led by some of his
Generals' thinking otherwise
to consent -- He accordingly
met with Genl Grant, who was
attended by a large number
of officers, at about 1 or 2
o'c on the Jackson road
between the opposing works:
The Yankee General's first
remark was that he would
accept of nothing, save an
unconditional surrender. Genl
P's reply to this was very
pointedly & emphatically
"that there was no need of
saying more on the subject
then, for he wouldn't think
of entertaining such a pro-
position" -- On conversing
further and the two Comdy
Generals consulting with
their respective attendant
advisers; -- Genl Grant said
that he would send in at
10 p.m. a proposition for
terms for our consideration
& action.

Thereupon Genl Pemberton
called a council of war
of his Major & Brigadier
Generals to advise, and
to express their several opin-
ions on the terms proffered,
which were in substance as
follows --

That at 8 a.m. tomorrow
he march a division in &
take possession --
that as soon as our
army was paroled it
be allowed to march
out -- officers to retain
their side arms and to
carry their personal bag-
gage; -- those of cavalry & of
staff Depts to take one
horse each --

That we take subsistence
needed for the march &
cooking utensils to prepare
it -- and thirty four-horse
or double the number of
two-horse wagons.

The council expressed
a unanimous opinion that
these terms should be re-
jected; and proposed
-- with only two exceptions --
that in lieu thereof these
following be submitted
to Genl Grant --

That at 10 a.m. tomorrow
we march out of the
works with arms and
colors, and then stack &
abandon them, & return
within the works.
That as soon as rolls
for parole could be pre-
pared we march out
taking subsistence ne-
cessary, & wagons sufficient
for the transportation of
this and the baggage
allowed --
that officers retain their
side arms, and personal
property (this we meant
to include negroes): and
that the citizens be pro-
tected in theri persons
& property.

General Grant acceded
to these with this mod-
ification -- that the officers
take their personal baggage,
as designated in his terms
proposed; and that he
would put himself under
no restraint with regard
to citizens or their property.

General Pemberton with
the concurrence of this Major
Generals accepted the terms
as modified: and this

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 2nd [1863]

At 2 p.m. when I came home ^' from'
Lee's line, where the
Yanks have several saps
approaching, I found, in-
stead of a comfortable
resting place and a quiet
dinner, the house knocked
in by a shell and every-
thing in complete confu-
sion -- worse confounded.
The three ladies were in
the room tat the shell
passed through but for-
tunately it didn't burst
until going through the
next -- the dining room,
where it demolished every-
thing there -- table, cup-
board, side board with
their contents -- and tore
out the side of the room.
The furniture in the ad-
joining chambers was
knocked to pieces; and
the ladies covered with
splinters and slightly
stunned -- they have this
afternoon sought refuge
in a cave, as the firing
continues, -- if anything
with increased vigor --
and you may hear now
the shells go crushing &
bursting into the houses
with great noise, de-
noting their course by a
fiendish, diabolical whiz-
zing. The mortars at the
same time continue their
polite attention, and the
land explosions & the
whistling of their fragments
are heard with
little intermission.

At the suggestion of
several of his major Gen-
erals Genl Pemberton tonight
held a council of war on
the propriety, under the
circumstances, of proposing
terms of capitulation to
Genl Grant. It resulted
in Genl Bowen's being
sent out under a flag of
truce at 7 a. m. this

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 1st, '63

The powder barrel did
not have the effect of
blowing in their gallery
for at between 1 & 2 o'c
today the villans [sic] sprung
a tremendous mine -
estimated to have
been from 5 to 800 lbs of
powder [inserted in pencil (2000 pds)] -- at that place,
which blew up the redan
burying eight negroes and
five or six soldiers & of-
ficers who were sapping
to them; and killing and
wounding some 15 others
who were in the work.

The interior parapet
was a little injured but quickly
repaired by us. At the instant
of the explosion
the enemy opened a terrific
fire of artillery at that
point with considerable
loss to us -- many officers,
especially colonels, have
fallen in this siege, and
God grant that our defence
may not prove futile but
that this point may be
saved to the Confederacy,
since we have labored
so hard in the performance
of our duty, -- to hold it til
the government can succor us.

In the early morning the
enemy kept up for some
hours a heavy fire
with their columbiads from the
peninsula which destroyed
may houses in the lower
part of the city -- "tis thus
they seem to work off
their spleen, -- caused by
our success & probably
the effect of our fire on
the peninsula, -- by ruining
the town and frightening
and killing the women &
children; -- they must be
aware that we have no
troops in the city since all
are required to man the

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesday [June] 30 [1863]

I have felt constrained
in writing these memoranda
of daily incidents, for my
future gratification and re-
collection, because I have had
the apprehension ever with me
that they might possibly
fall into the hands of some
beastly disciple of old Abe,
who might make dis-
agreeable use of them. A
thousand incidents -- " of moving
accidents, by flood & field: of
hair-breath scapes" -- which
I would like to record, for
reminiscences, in years to
come, on this a more re-
liable and permanent tab-
let than memory, I
do not, lest they should
by ill chance come into the
possession of the aforesaid
follower of the northern
ape and be by him put to
some use that might prove
offensive to the persons
therewith named; and for
lie reason must I be
mum on the military feeling
here and in the sentiment
and acts of the individuals
of our soldier circle.

Some of our garrison
have taken consider-
able gusto to eating mules,
horses, rats etc -- the last
named have been sold for
the last week at $2 1/2 apiece
and are in great demand --
mules are slaughtered reg-
ularly and I'm told some
have been exposed in mark-
et for sale -- horses
are esteemed a great
luxury, and as an instance
how such food is appre-
ciated by our men -- a fine
stallion was shot near
the line a day or two ago,
and no sooner did he fall
than the hungry fellows
were at him, and had
him skinned & quartered
in double quick time, and
he doubtlessly soon went
the way that all such
flesh now goes in this

At night the powder
barrel tried against the
enemy's mine at redan on
the Jackson road -- thought
to have accomplished
the purpose.

Quotation is from Othello

Monday [June[ 29 [1863]

Nothing unusual or out of
the regular routine occurred
today. same fire kept up in
front of the city -- the enemy en-
deavoring to place more guns
on the peninsula, and we
doing our best to prevent it --
They are a good deal protected
by the woods, but our shot
and shell go crashing and bursting
through the trees and
our friends -- les ennemis -- no
doubt find it a rather warm
place to be performing the
uninteresting and little exciting
work of throwing up batteries.

The casualties among
the women & children are increasing
-- our little paper "The Citizen" pub-
lishes the names of six, as
among those who were badly
wounded & killed last week:
and yesterday the head of
another poor creature
was taken off by a shell.
Alas that these poor help-
less women, should fall here
as martyrs to our cause -- we
cannot blame the enemy
for firing on the city; for surely
the inhabitants had
notice long enough to have been fully
assured that this place was
destined to be the scene of
great conflict between
the two armies -- and they
were at first requested &
then ordered to leave the
town by Genl Pemberton; but
without effect, as many pre-
ferred -- (I scarcely think they
would now prefer) -- to remain
at home, enjoying the comfort
and luxuries attendant there,
and endure the firing & the con-
sequent danger; rather than
to seek some abiding place
elsewhere --- away from friends
and where they would find
little comfort.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sunday [June] 28 [1863]

Enemy, at night, reported to
have sunk a mine under
the redan on the Jackson
road and to be now under
the outer parapet -
sides cross section

[Here follows a sketch of the mined area under a knoll and two hills. Taylor has drawn a small knoll with a valley beyond marked "a" and then two larger hills to the right with a valley between. A "gallery" or tunnel is shown starting just under point "a" and dug completely under the first hill.]

We cannot counter
mine or sink in on them
for they would, most probably,
on hearing the first spade
strike the earth, which
would be perfectly distinct to
them, blow up our work.
We send out dirt augurs
today, 29th, which may be
used without noise, to bore
into them -- also propose
rolling a barrel of powder
down the slope to the point
"a" to destroy their gallery --

These fellows work like
beavers and we have to
keep eyes, ears and mouth
open, and be active and
energetic to thwart their
indefatigable and untiring
efforts to blow up our
works -- no sooner do they
fail at one point than
they appear at another and
remit not a whit their
endeavors on account of failures
want of success -
Their saps are appearing
at many points of our
line, and evince a dis-
position on their part to dirt-
dig in earnest, which
necessarily leads us to be
similarly disposed. At
this, in a physical way,
the Yanks can beat us but
we must make up in
ingenuity ad dash what
they surpass us in labor.

We are down on
very, very low rations now
and in consequence of
this, probably, and the un-
promising prospect we have
ahead, there are some de-
sertions; but no grumbling
that I have heard of comes
from our brave & hardy
men; though they are
much fagged out -- worn &
weak, from the hardships
they have had to endure, on
the very short allowance of
4 oz bacon, ditto flour, do peas
do sugar a day -- a very insuf-
ficient nourishment for men
who are worked. I fear
they would be unable to
march for any distance, in
the weak state consequent
on such a limited diet, and
on the constant strain on
their strength for forty days
in the trenches.

[Sunday June 28 1863]

From Moore's line at
2 a.m. -- there we expect to
spring a mine on Mr Yank
at any moment -- so soon as
his sap is close enough, and
it seems to me now to be
just over us -- probably he
will be elevated this morning, 28th

This work is very curious
and interesting, and affords
experience of incalculable
value to those of us who
would follow a military
live -- our works -- saps, mines
etc -- with those of the enemy
have made very labyrinths
of these hills, and when
quiet and peace reigns over
them again, and the spades
and picks of contending
armies wound them no more,
the curious may make sub-
terranean excursions of any
length, through their bowels -
made historic and renowned
by the contest, that has so
hotly been waged above,
and through them.

3 a.m. two dispatches re-
ceived from Genl Johnston,
& I consequently immersed
in heiroglyphics until sun-
rise, when pretty tired, I
repaired to my

[three lines cut out]

Genl's dispatches -- as it is all
contraband -- but I will say
thus far, that I hope the
prospect is brighteneing for
our relief, and the ultimate
safety of Vicksburg; and let
me here retract anything
I may have said concerning
the tardiness of Genl Joe --
and by his pardon therefore --
his forces do not approach
the number I had imag-
ined to be at his command

[two? line cut out]

Genl Green, Missouri Division,
is added to the list of the
killed during the siege of Vicks-
burg -- he was directing the fire
of a piece of artillery when
the shot of a sharpshooter
struck him in the head and
killed him instantly -- de-
priving the service of a brave
and good man -- and in-
creasing the already numerous
list of officers, who have
fallen in defence of our Gib-

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunday [June] 27 [1863]

Usual amount of firing
all around us -- front, rear,
flanks & centre: though we
may be said to have no
front, rear or flanks now
but to be all centre; for
here we are -- poor little
fellows! -- cooped up in
small limit with the horde
of the invaders -- enough to
eat us up -- assailing us
from all sides, with every
conceivable diabolical ma-
chine for destruction; and
employing every device and
mode of attack that their
fertile brains can afford
them, for our overthrow; so
far however in vain -- we
have thwarted them
at every turn; and their assaults
having proved futile -- they
are now devoting their
energies to mining, and
we to countermining -- let
the race be to the prompt
and ready!

We have made a very
handsome defence here
should we ever be over
come now, which there is
no reason in the world to
expect, more than hereto-
fore, except that we are
drawing nearer every day
the end of our tether -- of
provisions; when, or before
which time someting must
be done for our relief, if the
Confederacy would save Vicks-
burg. Forty one days, Mr.
Grant, and we are not yet
quite checkmated -- don't
you feel that you are mor-
ally defeated, by this insig-
nificant little nest of rebels?

Friday [June] 26 [1863]

The expected assault did
not take place this morning --
usual amount of firing on
the lines and from the river
during the fore-noon -- heavier
firing in the latter part of
the day on our right,
and from the mortars, columbiads, parrott guns & sharpshooters
on the peninsula -- two un-
fortunate women killed.

Magnificent sun-set -- charming
view from "Sky-parlor Hill," com-
prehending considerable ex-
tent of the river and adjacent
country and affording a fine
prospect of the enemy's fire
from the peninsula and the
lower fleet, and our own
from the river batteries; -- all
this with the fleet of Yankee
transports at the "upper bend,"
combining to form a sight
very interesting -- if not
approaching the sublime.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday [June] 25 [1863]

Morning pretty quiet, but in the
afternoon the enemy opens very
briskly on the line and on the
river front, and blows up
by mine the redan on the
Jackson road -- our loss by it
in men slight -- in position little
or nothing, as we had sunk
in the hill just in rear of the

[portion of page torn away]

men will be
better protected and can com-
mand the approach as well.
They advanced for some distance
towards the breach behind logs
but did not assault -- this
there is every indication of
occurring tonight or at day-
light tomorrow morning -- the
enemy having massed his for-
ces in the ravines and his
works in front of the centre
and the left of Stevenson.

Distant firing said to have
been heard -- God grant it may
be Johnston! the unusual ac-
tivity & stir among the be-
siegers is I think indicative
of some movement taking place
on their rear; and if they
attempt an assault it will
strengthen this conjecture; for
if the enemy felt secure in
his present position, and as-
sured of his ability to contin-
ue the siege, until our sub-
sistence be exhausted, which
he must know will be soon,
he would much prefer to wait
quietly and patiently for that
event than to lose the numbers of
men that he knows, by ex-
perience, he will have to,
in storming our works; and
that too with doubtful -- very
doubtful -- chance of success.

Matters are drawing rapidly
to a focus, and a week or two
will decide whether this strong
hold with its garrison is to
[be] saved to the confederacy or
sacrificed by the indifference,
imbecility or ignorance of the
administration, or over
caution and want of dash
in the Genl sent to our relief.
That the powers in Richmond
have never realized the "si-
tuation" in this Dept -- its
requirements, the relation of
its strategical points, and
its difficult and exposed
lines of communications -- is
evidenced by the replies made
to demands, urged as posi-
and vital necessities:
and the neglect of, and non-
compliance with our requests
that the cavalry (belonging to
this Dept) which was taken
away only temporarily"! and
for a special service, be re-
turned. This deprivation
left us powerless -- impotent
-- as a man with his arms
lopped off -- utterly unable
to protect our front, rear or
flanks, or to keep our lines
of communication. Here
lies the root and foundation
of all the disasters that
have befallen us -- from
four to five thousand cav-
alry -- or even three -- could
have prevented Grant's debark-
ation at Bruinsburg -- or, if
not his, have rendered his
movement thence into the
state hazardous -- yes, fatal
to his army; and have pre-
vented Vicksburg being be-
leaguered and jeoparded, as
it now is. So small an
additon to our strength, in
that branch of the service,
in which we had been left
so utterly deficient,would,
I am firmly convinced, have
saved us! But

To mourn a mischief that is
past & gone,
Is the next way to draw new
mischief on.

& all will be well if it ends

Have I a right to any opinion
on these matters? I think I
have, but being a young whip-
persnapper, probably I ought
to refrain from expressing them;
however, they haven't much
weight with myself, and I
don't expect them to have any
with other people. I do but
form them after a plan, un-
prejudiced -- perhaps superfi-
cial -- regard of the facts and
circumstances by my judge-
ment; and am not dogmati-
cal in forcing them on others.

Quotation from Shakespeare's "Othello"

Wednesday [June] 24 [1863]

[portion of page torn off]

translucent. As an instance
of the hunger that consumes
and excites them - one of
my comr-aides (de camp)
was riding his emaciated
animal down the street
the other day - the poor
beast getting along as best
he could - when they overtook
a lady, imprudently wearing
a green vail - the horse
no sooner saw this appa-
rition of vegetation and food
than he
instantly charged, -
seized and voraciously

[portion of page torn off]

malady -
and fears are entertained
of her recovery.

The enemy is daily strength-
ening his line of works around
us, and should Genl Johnston
be unsuccessful in dri-
ving them away, cutting through
them with our garrison, when
subsistence is exhausted, will
be a most difficult and des-
perate undertaking, in which
many men must be lost.

Tuesday [June] 23 [1863]

Rifle 32 pdr opens on the city
from the peninsula this morning
and the huge shell comes tearing
and crashing through the houses
with utter disregard of all
decency, courtesy; and ignoring
as absurd any discrimination
of quarters or Hdqrs.

The Mortars became
reanimate after several days
silence; and again annoy us
more by the great noise of the
explosion of their shells
than fear of their effect on
life and property. The de-
stuction to the latter has
been terrible, but many of
us can look on that with
a calm and dis-interested
eye; one portion of the city-
that most closely built -
where the range of the mor-
tars has continued longest,
is terribly demolished and
presents a sad scene of destruction-
scarcely a single exception
of a house not struck-
most of them being so torn
as will render them useless
and beyond repair. The
shells do not utterly ruin
them when they enter &
fail to burst, but when
they do explode the house
is demolished and often
torn asunder - one of brick
and pretty strong and sub-
stantially built, I noticed
that had two sides blown
out and the floor knocked
to pieces -

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday [June] 22 [1863]

The enemy seems to be mas
sing a considerable force at
Warrenton for some purpose
-unknown to us- probably
to be sent down the river for
operation in rear of Big Black
or at Port Hudson, where
Banks is reported to have
been worsted and forced to
abandon the siege; they are
also stated to be moving
some troops up the Yazoo
-Both these movements should
I think result to our ad
vantage and render more
feasible the discomfiture of
the enemy immediately be
sieging Vicksburg, by John
ston; who I sincerely hope
will make a most deter
mined - and if necessary des
perate - attempt to relieve
this garrison and retain oc
cupation of this most vital
position to the integrity of the Confederacy

Some of the ladies here deserve
great praise for the heroism
they have displayed in this
ordeal, and may well be styled
veterans after having endured
for so long a time such a
fire as has been showered
upon this devoted city-
the fire from the enemy is
borne with almost indiffer
ence by many, who seem to
regard it as a matter of course
and scarcely worthy of mention
though we frequently hear of
some female who has met her
death or been maimed thereby

They have made up their minds
to take their chances -- take
into consideration the relative
size of their corporal dimensions
-so mall- in comparison with
the area of fire from the mor
tars; and then disturb them
selves no further, but deport
themselves in true philosophic style. this rule
doesn't hold good with all
the feminines but a few
-the best; for many, when the
bugle is sounded "the mortars
commence! to your caves, O
Israel!" hasten to their holes
and evince a most sincere
and enduring affection for
our common mother, Earth - &
"Tis most fortunate that
we have the hills so conve-
nient for burrowing retreats
for the helpless women and
children, who would other
wise have suffered terribly
from the incessant fire; and
thereby would have been
added another horror to this
already sufficiently trying siege.